Author Troy Baccus

March 27, 2014 by Troy Baccus

Beware of Tax Return Identity Theft

With April 15 fast approaching, it’s not surprising that the IRS is overwhelmed by tax return identity theft.  With this type of crime identity thieves are stealing your identity and then submitting fraudulent tax returns to the IRS and collecting your refund check. In January, the IRS posted an article on its website titled Tips for Taxpayers,

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March 25, 2014 by Troy Baccus

Life Insurance for People with Diabetes

The folks at just published a great article answering a common question we receive at Montana Life Group: Can Diabetics find Affordable Life Insurance?  The article is definitely worth a read if you have diabetes, but we’ll cut to the chase and let you know the answer: yes, diabetics can find affordable life insurance. An

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March 18, 2014 by Troy Baccus

What Obama Was Actually Doing On “Between Two Ferns”

The mega-viral video of President Barrack Obama‘s comedy interview with Zach Galifinakis this week was a highly calculated move by the Administration. It was very funny and received over 15 million views. The Administration had a particular goal with the move: to appeal to young people and encourage them to sign up for healthcare through

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March 12, 2014 by Troy Baccus

When is the Deadline for a Business Tax Extension in 2014?

Tax Season 2014 We all know April 15 is “tax day.”  But if you own a business, your company might have a different filing deadline.  The first step in figuring out the tax return filing deadline for your business is determining what type of business entity you have.  This blog post will address the tax

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March 9, 2014 by Troy Baccus

Review Identity Theft Protection Services Before Signing Up!

Five years ago, in response to the nearly 10 million identity theft victims in the United States, numerous companies popped up offering identity theft protection. Unfortunately, not all of these companies had the consumers’ best interest in mind. The Consumer Federation of America conducted an independent study and found a myriad of issues with many

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March 1, 2014 by Troy Baccus

Bitcoins? No. I’m Buying Gold, Real Estate and Fixed Annuities.

  Bozeman is getting hammered by BLIZZARD 2014 right now so I’m hunkered down in the house taking shelter and catching up on the news. I came across this article about the recent bankruptcy of Tokyo-based virtual currency exchange Mt.Gox. The company’s implosion caused massive volatility in the Bitcoin currency value . The article piqued my

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February 24, 2014 by Troy Baccus

Is an Annuity Similar to a Bank CD?

            Our clients often ask us to explain the difference between an annuity and a Certificate of Deposit (CD).  First, let’s define both CDs and annuities. Definition of CD: “A Certificate of Deposit is a written acknowledgment from a bank that it has received from the person named a specified

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February 20, 2014 by Troy Baccus

Should someone in their twenties buy life insurance?

  Should someone in their 20s purchase life insurance? Buying life insurance isn’t exactly exciting.  Sure, you’ll feel responsible knowing your family will be taken care of financially if you’re gone, but buying a new car or some jewelry is a lot more thrilling.  As a result, it’s easy to put off buying life insurance. This blog post

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February 18, 2014 by Troy Baccus

Free Ways To Protect Yourself Against Identity Theft

Our official stance at Montana Life Group is that purchasing a solid identity theft protection service is the best way to protect your identity. That being said, not everyone has the disposable income available to purchase one of these services (prices can range anywhere between $12 a month to $300 a year).  Therefore we thought it’d be helpful to

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The Standard, MetLife, Principal Financial Group, Genworth, & Lincoln Financial Group